
Lucy was one of Isabel’s ponies.  She grieved terribly when she lost her little girl.  Lucy embodied the sadness that ponies often feel when they are left behind – and ponies are left behind for many different reasons.  Lucy joined the ponies at the rescue because the consistent presence of the happy young volunteers made a difference. 

In the summer of 2013, Lucy suffered a near fatal bout of Potomac Horse Fever (PHF).  She stopped eating as her digestive system was non-functioning.  She had severe, dehydrating diarrhea and was on 24 hour intravenous fluids, as well as other medications.  As if this wasn’t painful enough for the sweet little mare, she was showing signs of laminitis in her poor little feet.

We are all happy to say that Lucy has made a full recovery!   She has rejoined her herd and has suffered no lasting effects from this horrible condition.  Her care was expensive, and we rely on the kindness of strangers.

Your donations are the only way to ensure we can continue to provide the level of care these loyal ponies deserve.